"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 31 December 2012

A Story Evolves

In the course of our critical analysis of the pantomime, I told Stephanie about the people who came to grief on the aisle of the theatre. 
She told me one of the cast members had a similar experience and suffered as a result , severe bruising in the mid-section. Hers that is.
This morning, I went on line and learned the Centre opened in August 2011. 
It has been functioning for  more than  a year.  
Either the problem has not been identified or it has and  obviously no adjustment has been made.
The city must be getting close to or beyond warranties in the contract.Cost of adjustment may be theirs alone 
Project management  costs and supervision for a project like that would be colossal. 
No doubt the entire Council relaxed completely, knowing everything was in the hands of  the best, to ensure completion without flaw.
After all, how could a lowly Councillor be expected to know anything better than  experts  retained  to ensure excellence i all things. 
This morning, I e-mailed the  Mayor informing  him of what I had observed in  two hours as an audience member in a very fine  municipal  facility
City Hall in Burlington was closed from December 24th. It will re-open on January 2nd, 
They have a population of 175,000 plus souls. The Mayor writes a blog. He  has a u-tube on the town's web-site wishing everyone the best of the season and urging them to enjoy all the facilities their city provides.  
I received an out-of-office reply from the Mayor's office. 
Immediately following, an out of office reply also came from a woman named Daphne at  the Performing Arts Centre.
Unless the matter is urgent, I will hear from her on January 2nd.         


Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying your story. Sometimes help comes from the most unexpected sources. In this case, you. That Town can likely rectify the problem in time to avoid a truly serious fall by a patron.

Anonymous said...

Let's see if Daphne is on the ball.

Anonymous said...

Did you mention that you are a town councillor in Aurora?

Anonymous said...

This is a lot more fun than watching the Americans tilting on their fiscal cliff. What are the odds of President Obama holding tough?

Anonymous said...

The U.S. appears to be going over their cliff.
It is strange when loyalty to the party becomes more important than loyalty to the country. I used to admire the U.S. for all sorts of reasons. Now they are so disappointing for the same reasons.

Anonymous said...

CBC News : Alberta faces budget crunch because they based projections on oil at $100 when it is now at $45.00.

Anonymous said...

To 3:37 Pm

Your odds are not good. He has already rolled on the top level to be taxed. The weird thing is that less than 30% of adults in the States pay any taxes.

Anonymous said...

Wall Street Journal - Budget Compromise Takes Shape.
Happy New Year to You & Yours.

Anonymous said...

1:45.... That will make the mayor just laugh.